About Me

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My husband tells me I am a makebate. So, what's wrong with that? I love to write. I have 2 great kids and 1 grandson. I'd love to say I am "retired" but really, who retires from life? Shoot me a question, comment, rant or rave. They are all welcome here. Love dogs, my family, and most of all, debate. Pro NRA, conservative and a right wing lady.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions - The Ultimate Lie

Well, it's that time of year again.  Delusional people making all types of empty promises for the New Year.  No malice intended; just wishful thinking and then disappointment.  Then, on December 31st, we get to start all over again with another round of attempts to better ourselves, and those around us.

If I had actually kept my resolutions, I'd weigh my pre-baby weight.  It's not like I just had a baby!  My eldest, Eryn, is 28 and a mother herself to one of the most adorable babies I have ever laid eyes upon.  Christopher Corry is handsome, precious and most of all, the spitting image of his mother when she was born.  Then there is Bryan, who just turned 26.  He is tall, handsome, gifted, talented and kind.  He also makes the most perfect Creme Brulee on the planet.

Therein lies the problem with my resolutions.  It's always weight loss, and I seem to fall prey to my son's Creme Brulee.  Weight loss is not an extraordinary goal to shoot for.  I suspect that there are millions of us fools out there who have let ourselves fall victim to calories, sedentary lifestyles, gourmet cheese and decadence.  I did not set out to be overweight.  It sorta just happened.  One day I was a size 6, and the next day I was a size ****TOO GRAPHIC TO UTTER****.

The breast reduction took a good solid 10-12 lbs off.  I felt like I had climbed Everest without O2.  But that was 4 years ago.  Wow.!  It was a momentous feeling to realize that I did not need a bra that could double as a hat.  Labor Day 2007 was also an incentive to lose some weight.  Nothing says "hello world" like heart troubles, a trip to Heart Center of the Rockies for angioplasty, and 3 days in the hospital, hooked up to an EKG, recording irregular beats.  I dropped a good 2 pants sizes after that episode. 

Getting sober was probably one of the BEST resolutions I have ever made, and KEPT.  Granted it did not come on December 31, 2009, but June 9, 2009.  I have kept that resolution since June 9th.  I love that I was able to conquer that addiction.  Why can't food be as easy?

2011 was a fairly wretched year for me.  I lost a job I was good at.  I loved taking care of patients.  I loved the adrenaline of the ER. I enjoyed knowing that I might have made a difference in someones life, if only for a minute.  My dear, dear cousin, Patrick Gartlan died in July, in a very tragic accident.  (See RIP Patrick Gartlan-Leader of the Big Fat Gaelic Gartlans)  It seems that the Gartlans are not long for this world.  The economy tanked, as did the value of our home.  We had our roof blow off on December 1st.

Of course there were also momentous occasions of joy.  The arrival of our grandson, Christopher Corry.  We adopted another dog from death row.  Lady Bird has been a treat to have in our life.  John has excelled at his photography.  Please check out his website:   mollydogimages.com  Hold on to your hats - John's photos are spectacular.  Our kids, Eryn and Bryan are doing well.  They never cease to amaze us.  Both my mothers are alive.  As I have mentioned before, I am adopted, so I get the double dose of maternal love.  My grandmother Patti is still going and I love her more every single day.

2012 has got to be a better year.  It just has to be.  I have started to ponder whether or not God likes me.  My brother tells me that I am like a cat - I always land on my feet.  Well, right about now, my feet are killing me.

As for that resolution...It's a real winner this year.  I vow to sway voters to vote Barry Hussein Obama out of office.  If  I can accomplish that - then I will believe in miracles, and maybe even lose a few pounds.

Happy New Year to All and PEACE !!!!

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