About Me

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My husband tells me I am a makebate. So, what's wrong with that? I love to write. I have 2 great kids and 1 grandson. I'd love to say I am "retired" but really, who retires from life? Shoot me a question, comment, rant or rave. They are all welcome here. Love dogs, my family, and most of all, debate. Pro NRA, conservative and a right wing lady.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Words of the Screen - Speak to Me

A good friend of mine recently returned to her computer and her artistic gift.  The timeless talent that is writing.  Boy, am I happy that she did!  She described the absence as an "unintended hiatus".  She has an obvious gift, and sharing it has motivated me to return to my musings. 

As I look through my blog catalog, I saw my last entry was in December, 2013.  Far too long to be away from an activity that brings so much joy to my heart.

During a recent trip home to CA to visit my son, friends and the beach, I made a point of borrowing one of my husband's cameras.  He was so excited to describe how to use the camera; perhaps he ponderered the idea - a protégé in the making? I should have taken notes.

Alas, I'm still on the Ansel Adams back burner - if I could tackle turning the device on - I just might capture a prolific moment in the day of the life of...

A stroll on the Port Hueneme Pier was splendid as usual.   The ocean's serenade was like that of an opera.  The characters had their places on the stage; each aria pitch perfect.  And then I came upon the finest voice in the grand show - the dog.

This scraggly fellow let out an occasional moan, followed by a gruff "ruff" .  Fisherman were on the north and south side of the pier, and when a fish was hooked, "Hallelujah" could be heard above the roar of the waves.  The rough sailor of a dog took it all in stride, as if he were the maestro of the entire production, directing each musician to take their cue.

While I am certain my husband is relieved at my decision to put down the camera, I do, however, hope he will be happy to read that I am in front of the keyboard again, pouring out a word or two, and letting my imagination run away from time to time.

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